One of the most important aspects of any veterinary clinic is their protocol, equipment and facility to conduct surgical procedures. Lake Area Animal Hospital combines these aspects with our knowledge, experience and compassion to give your pet the very best care when surgery is needed. Whether your pet needs to be spayed or neutered or is facing a complicated orthopedic procedure, our doctors and staff are ready to care for your pet. Our care begins prior to surgery, where we recommend bloodwork to search for underlying issues that cannot be seen on a physical examination alone. Next, we administer pain medications and prepare your pet for anesthesia. In years past, anesthesia could be risky for dogs and cats, but our clinic uses only the most advanced medications and monitoring equipment to minimize the possibility of an adverse event. Your pet’s surgery will be performed by one of our doctors with years of successful experience in treating pets. Our sterile surgical suite is equipped with the most modern equipment available in veterinary medicine, and your pet’s vital signs including blood pressure and heart rate are constantly monitored by our surgery team. Once the procedure is completed, we continue to observe your pet as they recover, keeping them warm and providing medication as needed. Provide your pet the best surgical care and peace of mind for yourself knowing your pet is under the care of the doctors and staff at Lake Area Animal Hospital.